Price : $90999

Yearn in Business : 18

Reviews : Fair

Private, Fast, Reliable At-Home Health Testing

The online health testing service that brings the lab to your home. Lab-certified & discreet at-home health testing options for every need.

Who should be tested and why?

To limit the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic in the United States, it is important to test at-risk individuals in the community. Infected individuals can then isolate at home, reducing the likelihood that they will infect others. In addition, contacts of infected individuals can themselves be tested, and if infected, stay home as well.

There are many reasons for ordering a test for COVID-19:

  • Symptoms of possible COVID-19 infection (see *** below)
  • Exposure to a lab-confirmed COVID-19 infected individual
  • Travel overseas in places with large numbers of COVID-19 infected individuals
  • Employment in industries such as grocery stores, pharmacies, nursing homes, transportation, delivery services, warehouse/distribution, and banking
  • Have a chronic condition such as chronic lung disease (asthma/emphysema/COPD), diabetes mellitus, heart disease, chronic kidney or liver disease, cancer, immunocompromised conditions, or receiving immunosuppressive drugs